Theater review Fairy Tales in the Park. The show, written by Pompeo Perrone, is meant to be an attempt to tell the tale of Pinocchio using street theater techniques. The square is the stage for telling the world’s most famous and most translated Italian fairy tale. Major stagings: ladders, stilts, masks, giant puppets, costumes, gypsy music will captivate us with their cheerfulness, seductive power, and fantastic imagery. There will be no shortage of Eater, the Cat and Fox, the Fairy, Toyland and, of course, the Whale, in a game enriched by music and masks, the true stars of the show. A pinwheel of color, a festive musical carnival for the world’s most famous puppet.
Edited by the Bertold Brecht Theater of Formia.
For information: Michela Galieni 3805463939
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