Official Tourism Website of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto

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Happy Birthday Flea!

An unmissable meeting to promote reading, which is part of the Born to Read project. With Cristina Petit, author and editorial director of Pulce Publishing House.
4 July @ 18:00 - 23:30

Palazzina Azzurra

Celebrating the fifth anniversary of Flea Editions with a reading promotion meeting as part of the Born to Read project. Cristina Petit, author and publishing director of the publishing house, will talk about the importance of reading from early childhood and present the latest publishing news. A time to reflect on the value of books and to learn more about the work of Flea Editions.
Readings 0-6 years old, by the Nati Per Leggere readers – 6 pm.
Presentation of work by Cristina Petit and Pulce editions – 9 pm.
Edited by: Deer Ship Bookstore.


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